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Wrinkle Reduction

TempSure® Envi

TempSure® Envi delivers radiofrequency technology to gently heat your skin. Increasing the skin’s temperature for a defined, therapeutic time will trigger a natural response for your skin to create new collagen. The new collagen fibers are tight, dense and neatly organized giving you tighter, younger looking skin.

Advantages to TempSure® Envi:

  • It can be performed on all skin types, year round.
  • There is no down time after the TempSure® procedure.
  • It is comfortable to have done.
  • You will see immediate results, but collagen will continue to rebuild over time, enhancing your skin’s appearance.
  • Treatments last approximately 30-60 minutes, depending on how large of an area is being treated.

Botox® Injections

Botox® (OnabotulinumtoxinA) injections are used for the temporary reduction of dynamic facial wrinkles around the eyes. This includes glabellar lines (“11’s or “frown lines”), crow’s feet, forehead lines, and brow lift.

  • Quick in-office treatments with no down time.
  • Amount of treatment needed varies from patient to patient.

Call 405-341-9480 for a free consult today!